WHEREAS the Board of Directors seeks to uphold the mission and goals of the
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County and ensure the fiscal health of the
overall Association;
WHEREAS in light of increased operations and maintenance costs, hiring challenges,
decreased enrollment, and decreased revenue have caused the Board of Directors, in
consultation with its financial team, to explore options regarding the future of programming and
operations at the Camp Wyomoco property;
WHEREAS the Board of Directors appointed a Camp Committee, consisting of both current
Directors and other vested parties, to meet multiple times over a six-month period to explore and
outline all potential options concerning the camp’s financial and physical future and to ultimately
issue a recommendation to the Board of Directors based on their findings;
WHEREAS after investigating multiple options and extensive review of detailed financial reports
dating back several years, the Camp Committee issued a recommendation to the Board of
Directors recommending the sale of Camp Wyomoco and all related assets;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County Board of
1. Will end the current 4-H Camp program; and
2. Commence the sale of the Camp Wyomoco property; and
3. Direct all revenues from the sale of Camp Wyomoco be utilized to:
a. pay back loaned funds from the 4-H Leaders Association; and/or
b. support the purchase and sustainability of a smaller property to support outdoor programming, workshops, and storage; and/or
c. establish asset sustainability protocols for operations, maintenance, and programming of the property
Why is CCE Wyoming selling Camp Wyomoco?
As you may know, residential summer camps across the country have seen decreased enrollment and rising costs. In light of increased operations and maintenance costs, hiring challenges, decreased enrollment, and decreased revenue, the Board of Directors, in consultation with its financial team, explored options regarding the future of programming and operations at the Camp Wyomoco property. The Board of Directors appointed a Camp Committee, consisting of both current Directors and other vested parties, to meet multiple times over a six-month period to explore and outline all potential options concerning the camp’s financial and physical future. After investigating multiple options and extensive review of detailed financial reports dating back several years, the Camp Committee issued a recommendation to the Board of Directors recommending the sale of Camp Wyomoco and all related assets.
Was Camp Wyomoco closed due to COVID? Why wasn’t the camp reopened once COVID restrictions were lifted?
Camp Wyomoco was closed for the duration of the 2020 and 2021 season due to COVID-19 related restrictions and concerns. However, Camp Wyomoco saw significant declines in enrollment, rising labor costs, and significant costs related to deferred maintenance for several years prior to the outset of the pandemic; these longstanding concerns were not alleviated by the relaxation of COVID restrictions.
What is the camp being used for as of right now?
During the duration of the summer camp program’s closure, Camp Wyomoco has continued to function as a venue for 4-H activities, including shooting sports, workshops, equestrian related activities, etc.
What will happen when the camp is sold?
CCE will end the current 4-H Camp program and seek to support the purchase and sustainability of a smaller property to support outdoor programming, workshops, and storage.
Last updated March 20, 2023